Significant progress has been made in reducing child labour and protection of child rights during these years. The RHGBMSS has a good networking with the local NGOs and the Government on eliminating child labouring and made involved Panchayath Raj members, Anganawadi Workers, Women groups in these activities. Trainings have also been conducted in these Child labouring issues. RHGBMSS has identified the 450 child labourers involved mainly in agriculture and allied activities, Shops, Hotels, Cow-boys and building construction works. Several awareness camps, Jathas, Street plays and Video Shows were carried out on child labour issue. The parents of the child labourers were also educated on the bad effects of child labouring. The need and importance of education for children, particularly formal education was emphasized in all the awareness and education programmes.
Exposure visit and cultural programmes were organized 100 children got back into their formal education. We have also arranged workshops for local network NGO’s functionaries for providing education to the child labourers. Anganwadi workers, health workers, Teachers, Gram Panchayath elected leaders and local Government officials were involved in this process.
Motivation exercise for parents of child labourers was continued during this year. They were made aware of many income generating schemes available with the Government to supplement their family income. A major development is the Net working of NGOs to fight against child labour issues, formation of Campaign against Child Labour Andhra Pradesh. A state level plan framed by the NGO of the state, local, taluk and district level programmes like, awareness camps, jathras were organized in all the places. Hand outs, posters were distributed to create awareness on the issue. Memorandum was submitted to the Government of Andhra Pradesh in this issue to impose a ban on child labouring.