SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAMMEThis programme is supported by NABARD, Hyderabad has been implemented in 5 Revenue Villages in Kadapa District to cover 910 families. The aim of the project is to develop and improve the socio-economic status of the primary stakeholders. This is ongoing scheme. CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION OF WATER BODIES UNDER DROUGHT PROOFINGThe programme is sanctioned by Ministry of Rural Development CAPART. The RHGBMSS creating awareness on watershed and water managements in 4 villages to covering 340 families, 14500 Mandays Employment are generated under this project and reduced migration in the 4 villages in drought season, under this programme soil and mainstream treatment are covered and improved ground water falling in future. INCOME GENERATION PROGRAMMEThe project area experiencing drought since four years. The people are experiencing difficulties in leading their life. They are forcing to go out for in search of employment. With the intervention of the organization Self Help Groups were developed, strengthened and savings and credit management system introduced. Training on Dairy Development, Sheep rearing was given in the beneficiaries. By this, women groups are saying goodbye to migration and undertaking their own income generation programmes and leading their life at their villages under different programmes. The women federation at mandal/village level set up in the year 1998-99 continued in work on women related issues in these year also. The federation was supported by RHGBMSS and it has strengthened to much extent and involved in Women empowerment, Dalith issues and attending issues of women atrocities. Women self help groups.
PROMOTION OF SHGs & MICRO FINANCEThe RHGBMSS in these years had given much importance to the formation and development of Self Help groups in the project areas. It developed local groups in the initial stage and by providing them training on sangha concept and book keeping promoted Self Help groups. This made them very convenient in mobilizing savings/credit. The SHGs level loans given with nominal interest as decided by the groups. Credits were given for taking-up the income generating programmes like Dairy, Sheep rearing, starting of self employment and even for family needs like marriages, and festival celebrations. Several groups were getting registered and obtained financial assistance from the Banks and Government Institutions. This was done with the cooperation of NABARD, RGB, Local Banks and other DRDA/SC Corporation. The SHGs are linked to VELUGU Programmes.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMSThe RHGBMSS has given lot of importance to over all development of children in the project areas. Since the education to children particularly to SC/ST children, the organization is motivating the parents to provide compulsory education to their children. We are conducting awareness camps to educate child labour children. We are admitted dropout in bridge schools.
CRECHE CENTRESTwenty Creche centres have been set-up in the project areas for the benefit of children of SC/ST community. 250 children are attending these centers. The children are fed with milk, bread and other nutritious food daily. Education system adopted to these centers is play and learn method of teaching. Periodical health checkups, immunizations are done at regular intervals. Excursions were arranged to the children. Parents meetings are held at regular intervals to give on health education, motivation and guidance to them. The children attending these creche centers are from SC/ST, migration and weaker sections of the society. The child labours are thought with education skill oriented training. The inmates of bridge school were selected by RHGBMSS organization on realizing the needs of assistance. Those who are working Hostels, fields and domestic. Child are identified and motivated there parents and brought to this bridge school, accommodate, study material, support material separate to the benefit of the Children. The children are involved in the development of their education, skill happily leading their childhood. They also provide with Television and Audio visuals. The bridge school students are learning at part with the others schools. The child labours and drought out who were joined last year and enrolled to the formal school.
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS AND PROMOTIONThe RHGBMSS continued its campaign on environmental issues, creating awareness on environment, environment protection, minimizing pollution and recharge of ground water. Environment awareness programmes were held in all the project villages. Jathras were organized to draw the attention of the public on environment. During this year, 10 awareness camps and 4 jathras on environment protection were held. Several activities related to environmental up gradations had been conducted, like nursery raising developing kitchen gardens, cultivation of horticultural plants and Joint Forest Planning and Management activities. Over 60,000 nursery seedling have been raised during the year, consisting of fuel, fodder and fruits. These were distributed to the farmers for planting who have since developed and nurtured in their own lands. Many environmental groups participated in the afforestation programmes during the year. The community were educated on the bad effects of air, water and industrial pollution taking place in Rayachoty and surrounding villages. A programme on solid waste management was also conducted. Training programmes on different environmental aspects and nursery development were given to the industrial workers. Steps were taken to protect and maintain eco-friendly and pollution free atmosphere in the factory premises and surrounding places. 128 farm ponds were constructed during the year with the involvement of the community which not only made available water to the crops but also keeps the cool moisture in the lands. Ten check-dam was constructed in the project area which benefits 260 hectares of lands by providing water and also contributes to ground water recharging 95 small and marginal farmers directly benefiting by this check dam and 24 landless labourers got employment for 300 days treatment point were constructed during this year by which rechargement of bore wells were made. The rainwater fall is directed to the treatment point and this will help in recharging ground water and bore-wells. After the rechargement more water output is available which provides drinking water to the project beneficiaries. |